Conflict Coaching
Conflict coaching is a private process in which an individual coach helps a person develop conflict understanding and build strategies and skills to move forward.
The aim is to help the person understand the conflict from both perspectives, to help them decide how they would like the relationship and conflict to be and to develop skills to get there. Centers have specially trained conflict coaches to help work with parties. Services can be useful when one or both parties do not want to try mediation, and it can prepare people for mediation or other processes. It offers general conflict skills building in a personalized, guided way and can help in organizations to boost leadership skills and improve organizational culture.
Example of conflict coaching:
One Center worked with someone who had a long-standing problem with the way in which a co-worker communicated. Attempts to change the other person's behavior had gone nowhere and left the person angry and frustrated. Conflict coaching helped them identify what actions on the part of the co-worker triggered their anger and how to develop a realistic plan to move forward, including using conflict resolution communication tools. Although not able to change the other person, the plan helped them feel more confident and thoughtful about the ongoing conflict and made them more self-reflective about other everyday conflicts.